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UnitedHealthcare squeezes its network. Was your doctor terminated?


Are you a member of UnitedHealthcare's Medicare Advantage plan in Missouri? Did you recently receive notice that your physician would be terminated from your coverage?

Are you a member of UnitedHealthcare’s Medicare Advantage plan in Missouri? Did you recently receive notice that your physician would be terminated from your coverage?

Are you a member of UnitedHealthcare’s Medicare Advantage plan in Missouri? Did you recently receive notice that your physician would be terminated from your coverage? 

You currently have a few options:

  • Patients can immediately switch to an alternative health insurance plan or to regular Medicare through a Special Enrollment Period;
  • Make a switch to an alternative health insurance plan during Open Enrollment, October 15-December 7, 2014;
  • Patients can opt to do nothing and experience headaches with out-of-network costs; or
  • Patients can swap to an in-network provider.

Our goal at Steinlage Insurance is to help prevent stress and headache. By proactively moving to an alternative insurance plan  you will avoid high out-of-network costs and keep your doctor.

Give us a call today at (636) 561-5060 and we will give you a FREE consultation.

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